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Soil Health and Community Conservation, April 22

Erich Henry, director of conservation for the Blount County Soil and Water Conservation District, will present “Soil Health & Community Conservation,” Friday, April 22 at 12 p.m. via Zoom.

Nationwide, soil and water conservation districts provide locally led conservation programming to improve soil, water, and air quality for agricultural and non-agricultural lands. Zero-till gardens, pollinator meadows, and rain gardens are just a few conservation practices that can be implemented in our own backyards. Similarly, livestock and cropland farmers are implementing conservation practices that improve natural resource conditions for community-wide benefits. Henry will discuss how success of this programming can only be achieved through the continued partnerships of federal, state, and county entities as well as private landowners.

The event is free and open to the public, but registration is required.

Register today for the April 22 Science Forum lecture.

Photo by Leslie Bowman on Unsplash